Server Based Document Conversion
for Kodak Archive Writer Pre-processing
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Electronic Document Archiving
Government entities and highly regulated organizations such as insurance companies are required by law to maintain records for up to 65 years or more. Microfilm is the media of choice to meet this long-term records retention requirement due to its standards, independence from technological obsolescence and acceptance in legal courts throughout the world. Traditionally, the process of transferring documents to microfilm has been a time-consuming and expensive process.
The Kodak Document Archive Writer
The Kodak Document Archive Writer rapidly converts digital images to an analog format and film media for low-cost, long-term storage and access. The Archive Writer accepts bi-tonal TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) digital image files - Group III;IV or JBIG compressed in resolutions from 100 to 600 DPI - to support flexible input and converts them to images on 16mm silver halide-based film up to 240 letter size images per minute at 40:1 reduction. Up to 18,000 letter-size images at 40:1 reduction will fit on a single roll of film for storage that is extremely compact. The standard 215 foot roll cassette length provides uninterrupted and unattended writing and is easy to load or unload. Two rolls can be loaded and written to simultaneously for additional redundancy and efficiency.
Stored images can be accessed by automated retrieval devices and scanned for electronic delivery back to your digital document system.
ImageMAKER Server Based Document Conversion Engine
The ImageMAKER Electronic Server Based Document Conversion Engine streamlines the process of capturing and transferring electronic business records to reference archive microfilm media. As a result, businesses can meet long-term electronic records retention and preservation requirements in a cost-effective, risk-free manner.
The ImageMAKER Electronic Server Based Document Conversion Engine transfers batches of electronic documents to the Kodak Document Archive Writer in TIFF format. Support for image orientation (comic mode / cine mode), single and multi-page files, G3 and G4 compression, List files, and multi-level indexing. The Document Archive Writer accepts the images and creates logically ordered and indexed copies on the reference archive media. Metadata created by the capture process is then updated with reference archive media locations. Batches and their associated metadata, containing the reference archive locations, are then available to be released to one of over 60 different document management and content management systems. When needed, users of these document management and content management systems can retrieve either the digital or reference archive copy of the records.
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