Carrier Grade Conversion Engine Description
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This utility demonstrates the use of the ImageMaker print driver to convert from any 'printable' file format to a Fax Image format, with built in support for handling multiple conversions across multiple machines.
The Carrier grade conversion application ( supports the following:
1) Conversion of all printable document types to TIFF, JPEG, or TXT under program control
2) Support for multi-threaded conversion (if this is a requirement).
3) Support for multi-machine conversion (if this is a requirement).
4) Can be installed as as service (see below).
5) A choice of COM, DLL, and EXE integration interfaces (odcCom.dll, printdoc.dll or Pdfilcnv.EXE - source samples provided).
6) a MultiBatch application that can demonstrate the automated conversion of thousands of documents across multiple machines.
The primary interface to the Carrier Grade Document Conversion Engine is the odcCOM.DLL COM object. The COM object can be called from user context, or from a server (or system context). The COM object communicates with the local ODCdaemon.exe application, or the 'remote' ODCdaemon.exe application if the SHARE setting is set.
To support conversions of documents under control of a Web Server, we provide a COM object (OCXCom.dll), and a ODCdaemon.exe application that runs in user space, and communicates with the controlling application running in the web space.
Installation instructions:
1) Unzip files onto a Win2000 or NT4.0 machine.
3) Switch to the install directory default is: "C:\ImgMaker\Conersion_Toolkit"
4) Run cpCom.exe to try converting single files.
5) To test conversion of multiple files, run convert.bat from the DOS prompt with the following command line: 'convert guide.doc'
6) Review the contents of products.doc.tif in the output directory.
7) Convert any additional files by using PDFILCNV.EXE (For additional command line parameters, see CONVERT.BAT)
The Document Conversion engine uses the native document application to do the rendering. For example, to render a DOC file, the conversion engine needs to launch WORD. Then, under program control, the application is directed to create a print stream that is then rendered to a TIFF file.
Using this method, we can support rendering any file format type that has an owner application that supports the 'print' or 'printto' system command.
To confirm support for any document, from the Windows Explorer, right click on the document, then look for, and select 'print'. The document should be printed to the default print driver. Applications that support 'print' also support 'PrintTo', where the output can be directed to a specified printer for procesing.
Document Conversion to 24 bit Jpeg, 24 bit TIFF and 24 bit BMP is also supported. (but requires a different driver). We also support multiple simultaneous file conversions on the same machine. In both cases, contact us for more details.
List of files provided:
  readme.txt - this file
convert.bat - sample conversion batch file for PdFilcnv.exe
PDDLG.EXE - Control Dialog
img32mfx.dll - communication dll
ODCdaemon.EXE - Windows Daemon process (for server rendering)
PDFILCNV.EXE - DOS File Conversion Utility (single file)
PRINTDOC.DLL - Server Conversion DLL
cpCom.exe - Windows C++ application that calls the COM object.
odcCom.dll - Com object.
products.doc - simple overview document
guide.doc - detailed product spec - sample C++ code for CpCom.EXE - sample VB code for VbCom.exe - sample C++ code for .NET implementation - sample C code for PdFilCnv.EXE
MultiBatch.exe - Application to manage the conversion of thousands of files
MultiBatch.txt - sample TXT file with 4 files to convert.
The Document Conversion software controls file conversion to TIFF by first launching the file owner application (e.g. Word, Excel, Netscape), then instructing the owner application to print the document using Windows shell commands.
Our experience is that no one utility can convert all file formats. However, most applications have a mechanism used by the Windows shell to support file printing.
The CpCom.EXE application is a Windows based application that converts files through the COM ojbect. It assumes that the ODCdaemon.exe application is running. Sample code to the CpCom.EXE application is provided in the file.
The PDFILCNV.EXE application is a console application that is launched with a command line. The command line includes the name of the source file (among other things). The PDFILCNV.EXE application terminates with a 'number of pages' printed return code, or a negative value if there was a timeout. This way, even if a document conversion does fail (due to some required user intervention), other conversions can still take place. In addition, a second Windows Daemon application (ODCdaemon.EXE) is provided to support file conversions from a Service application (such as a CGI script running on an web based server).
We have tested this conversion process with many document types, including Word, Adobe, HTML. To ensure best results on NT 4.0 set the default document type for .TXT to be WordPad (rather than notepad).
For a complete list of known application settings, see appendix below.
Throughput (speed):
On a single machine (PII 500MHz) a 5 page Word document converts in 5.2 seconds, an 11 page Word documents converts in 6.6 seconds. System resources are maxed out, and there is no advantage to trying to do multiple simultaneous conversions.
If WORD is left up (and doesn't have to re-load itself each time), the time to print is reduced by about 20%. To get conversion down to 1 second per document can be accomplished by adding additional 'slave' computers. (ie do 5 simultaneous conversions, each on a different slave).
To increase throughput:
- set the dithering to Windows Fast Dither.
- pre-load the core applications (like Word, Acrobat). These should be running, not   minimized, but make the display window as small as possible (reduces painting time).
- scalability can be supplied by adding additional computing power. We can provide you   with the instructions to control conversion remotely across multiple machines.
Testing the COM object using CpCom.exe on a Single Machine
(Windows 2000 / NT4 Only):
Run CpCom.exe (which in turn launches ODCdaemon.exe).
Make sure the following fieldsare set:
Server Name: Leave this blank. To convert using another server, see below.
Printer Name: Normally set to 'ImageMAKER DocCnvrt Driver'
Output Directory: Normally set to c:\imgmaker\conversion_toolkit
Output File Type: Normally set to TIFF Group 3 Rerversed.
Printer Type: Normally B&W. Can switch between B&W, and Color. Changes the printer name and output file type automatically. Need to download and install the '' file to use the Color driver.
Additional Print settings:
Orientation. Only takes effect if the print application doesn't define it.
Resolution Only takes effect if the driver supports the other resolutions.
Dither Mode Sets the prefered dither mode
Page Type Sets the prefered page size
File to Convert: Name of source file to convert. Must specify the full path.
Next, test and re-compile the C++ sample code, of VB code, and confirm that you can communicate with the COM object, and can control the conversion.
Next, use the COM object in your environment, and if there are any problems, use the CpCom test application to track down the problem. The main things to look for are:
- that ODCdaemon.exe is running
- that the input and output filenames are fully specified
The COM object can be called from multiple instances. The jobs are queued and processed by ODCdaemon sequentially. If the job times out waiting in the queue to be converted, then the COM object will return an error code: -15.
Error Return Codes: (similar to the pdFilCnv list below)
    number of pages printed
      0 Daemon timed out (global daemon setting)
     -1 problem parsing command line
     -2 timeout connecting to Daemon
     -3 Keyboard hit
     -4 Output File name likely invalid (or is an existing directory)
     -5 Daemon not running
     -6 Daemon not running
     -7 internal error
     -8 internal error
     -9 internal error
     -10 internal error
     -11 Timeout on job start (global daemon setting)
     -12 Timeout on first page (global daemon setting)
     -13 Timeout on subsequent page (global daemon setting)
     -14 Maximum pages exceeded (global daemon setting)
     -15 PdFilCnv timed out (/o setting)
     -16 Timed out waiting for PrintQueue to empty
     -17 ODCDaemon is busy - timed out waiting to process job
For a complete list of COM methods and properties, see "COM Object Usage" below, or refer to ODCcom.txt in the same source directory.
To set/review any of the static settings used by the COM object, see the registry values in: HKCU\Software\ImageMaker\ODCCom\. If no values are set in HKCU, then the Com Object looks to HKLM\Software\ImageMaker\ODCCom for its values.
There are a couple of additional values in the registry not set by the
CpCom interface, but which have an effect on printing:
MultiplePagesPerFile - if 0, then we output single paged tiff files.
ConnectRetries         - number of attempts to connect to pipe.
PrintJobTimeout       - number of seconds to try and get ODCdaemon connection
                                    before timing out (should be a large value).
Testing the COM object using CpCom.exe across Multiple Machines:
The COM object is designed to support document conversion across multiple machines.
To model handling conversions across multiple machines under program control, first confirm that the CpCom.exe application (ODC Server (COM) Sample) is installed and works on a single machine. Then, install the same software on the second machine, and confirm that it too works.
Next, on the first machine, modify the input and outpt directories to specify the
UNC names of a known file server. ie:
     output Directory: \\cyan\c-root\imgmaker, specify an input file from a known server
file to convert:     \\cyan\c-root\imgaker\conversion_toolkit\products.doc
Test this once again to confirm that it works.
Finally, in the 'Server' field, enter the name of the second machine. ie: if the machine name is 'RED', then enter 'red' in the field. This time when you do a test conversion, RED will do the converting.
If the above scenario works, next try the same field values in your code when calling the COM object.
NOTE: If calling the COM object from an ASP page, the context is usually very limited, and pipe names cannot connect across machines. The ASP script normally runs in its own security environment (login context). Accordingly, it does not have permission to communicate across machines via pipe connections. To get around this, the ASP script can still indicate a 'server' to do the conversions, but the call goes up through the local daemon (running in a proper user context), and is then relayed across to the actual server.
Should this end up being a problem in your environment, and permissions are not allowed connecting to a pipe from the system or IIS context, then we have a work-around. The work-around requires that you run ODCdaemon on your local machine in user context (or as a User Service - see installing ODCdaemon as a service below). In this case, the COM object can connect to a local pipe (on the same machine), and the ODCdaemon application can then relay that pipe call across the network. To enable this feature, you must set the following in the COM object: 'useRedirectionServer = TRUE'
Also: If you want to use our custom application, we've built a 'MultiBatch' application to demonstrate the conversion process, which can be used to 'load lists', and to manage load balancing of conversions across multiple machines. (Demo available on request).
Testing With Pdfilcnv.exe and/or printdoc.dll On A Single Machine
(Windows 2000 / NT4 Only):
1) From your start menu run the Windows Document Conversion Daemon.
2) Start a command-line prompt.
3) Change to the directory in which you installed the ImageMaker Document Conversion Toolkit.
4) Type the command:
This will start the document conversion process.
5) From your start menu run the ImageMaker fax viewer program to view the output file GUIDE.TIF
6) For more examples, see the sample batch file 'convert.bat'.
Testing With ODCdaemon and multiple printers On A Single Machine
(Windows 2000 / NT4 Only):
Using the conversion server, it's possible to convert more than one document at a time. This requires first installing additional printers, then following the instructions provided below:
Note: Microsoft Office Products only support a single thread per application. ie: can't convert two Word docs at the same time. You can convert an Excel and a Word doc at the same time, or multiple PDF's and/or TXT files.
To do the conversion, from the installation directory, run 'MULTITST.BAT'.
- that 3 printers have been installed PrintDoc1, PrintDoc2, PrintDoc3
- that 3 ODCdaemon registry settings are defined in
To manually set the registry:
    ODCdaemon -idaemon1     (set to: PrintDoc1, PrintDocPipe1)
    ODCdaemon -idaemon2     (set to: PrintDoc2, PrintDocPipe2)
    ODCdaemon -idaemon3     (set to: PrintDoc3, PrintDocPipe3)
and manually configure printer name to: printDoc1, pipename to: PrintDocPipe1 etc.
1) name of first file to convert
2) name of second file                 (optional)
3) name of third file                     (optional)
4) START (forces concurrency).  (optional)
To convert one file:
       multitst sample.doc
To convert two files:
       multitst sample.doc readme.txt
To convert three files:
       multitst sample.doc readme.txt acrobat.pdf
To convert three files simultaneously:
       multitst sample.doc readme.txt acrobat.pdf START
Note: For Microsoft products (Word, Excel, etc) you cannot simultaneously convert two
         or more of the same file types.
Testing With ODCdaemon across two or more machines (Windows 2000 / NT4 Only):
The following sample assumes you've installed the Document Conversion Toolkit at
\\MachineB\c-drive\imgmaker\printdoc - Server\Share\dir name
and that the default daemon pipe name is \\.\pipe\PrintDocDaemonPipe
Once that is straightened away, try the following:
To test locally:
On machine B: (conversion machine) try the following:
pdfilcnv guide.doc -d
pdfilcnv guide.doc -d:\\.\pipe\PrintDocDaemonPipe
This confirms that the deamon pipe is 'PrintDocDaemonPipe'
To test across the network:
On machine A: (web server)
copy over the following files from machine B to c:\imgmaker\printdoc
Then, from machine A, try the following:
       pdfilcnv guide.doc -d:\\MachineB\pipe\PrintDocDaemonPipe
       pdfilcnv \\MachineB\c-root\imgmaker\printdoc\guide.doc
       1) both pdfilcnv.exe and ODCdaemon.exe are checking the same file.
       2) Because of NT security, the output file must be written to a drive local
           to the deamon (we have a fix for this, but just trying to move things forward).
To Test a different pipe name:
On machine B:, in the daemon,
   change the pipe name to JBpipe. Stop, then restart the ODCdaemon.exe.
Then, on machine A:, try:
   pdfilcnv \\MachineB\c-root\imgmaker\printdoc\guide.doc -d:\\MachineB\pipe\JBpipe
To Test the registry settings:
To test the Registry settings, on machine B:,
   modify ODCdaemon so that the 'web server' is A. (no back slashes required).
Then, stop, and re-start the ODCdaemon application.
Then using the registry editor on A, look at:
   it should contain the Binary value: \\MachineA\pipe\JBpipe

On Machine A (web server),
   try the following: pdfilcnv \\MachineB\c-root\imgmaker\printdoc\guide.doc -dR
Running ODCdaemon as a service (silent conversion):
All applications can be launched silently from a service context (Win2K), and everything seems to work as expected - but only on Windows 2000 (or later).

To set this up...

Using the Windows NT Resource Kit programs InstSrv.exe and SrvAny.exe:
1) Install the Service (by name):
c:\resKit\instsrv.exe "Document Conversion" c:\resKit\SrvAny.exe
2) run Regedit and open HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Document Conversion
Create the 'Parameters' key, and add:
    name: Application
    data type: REG_SZ
    string: c:\imgmaker\printdoc\ODCdaemon.exe
3) From the Services control panel, edit the 'Document Conversion' service, and set the access priveleges to a 'logged in user'.
4) Start the service.
To test, try the following:
pdfilcnv c:\imgmaker\conversion_toolkit\products.doc
pdfilcnv c:\imgmaker\conversion_toolkit\products.doc -d -l
The first command ling does the conversion without using ODCdaemon.exe The second command line runs the conversion silently through the service.
To test and debug ODCdaemon problems, you can always stop the service, (and stop ODCdaemon.exe), then run ODCdaemon as a normal application.
More information on setting up an application as a service can be found in the Windows Knowledge Base article: Q137890
Running MultiBatch.exe
MultiBatch.exe is installed in the ImageMAKER Conversion_Toolkit program group as 'Batch Conversion'. The purpose of MultiBatch is to control the conversion of thousands of documents across multiple conversion machines.
To test conversion of thousands of documents, try the following:
1) Create a TXT file that points to the files. If the source files are HTML web sites, then list the filename as ''. If you are going to do the conversions across multiple machines, then the filenames need to be specified by their UNC names. ie: instead of specifying the file as 'c:\imgmaker\products.doc', you would specify it by its Computer and Share Name: '\\computer\c-root\imgmaker\products.doc'.
2) Run MultiBatch.exe (from the Start / Programs / ImageMAKER Conversion_Toolkit menu).
3) Load the TXT file. You can try loading the sample file 'MultiBatch.txt' currently in the installation directory, then click on the Start button.
4) To simultaneously convert documents using multiple machines, install the Carrier conversion on additional machines, and when running ODCDaemon, specify the 'registry server' (from the Configure/Options dialog) to be the machine running MultiBatch.
5) On completion of conversion, you can view the log, or the results (thumbnail).
6) MultiBatch supports the following options:
    output directory:
      Change this to a UNC directory name if converting across multiple machines
    output File Type:
      Currently TIFF, DCX, PCX. An upgrade is available to support Color output,
        and PDF file output.
    multiple pages per file: default is ON
    prefix output file names with job name: default is OFF
    mirror input directory structure: default is OFF
    overwrite log files: default is OFF
    logfile directory: current default is Multibatch
    temp directory: currently the default output directory.
7) To automate conversion of lists of files, select the 'enable job autoload'. This loads in TXT files from the specified default directory, processes them, and then renames the TXT file to .DONE. This way, the conversion server can process lists as they are written to the source directory, and indicate that conversion is done by changing the .TXT extension to .TXT.DONE when completed.
Testing for COLOR output (NT platforms only)
1) Make sure you've installed the color upgrade to (
2) The color print driver upgrade is capable of printing B&W OR COLOR. To set the active state, from the printer properties menu, select 'Device Settings' / 'Printer Operation' / 'Printer Output'. You can switch between 24-bit color, and Monochrome. (The default is 24-bit color)
3) From the install directory, run a test of pdfilcnv.exe to create a color output file.
    pdfilcnv source.doc -foutput.jpg -t202
The output filetypes are:
    200 - Color TIFF (RLE)
    201 - 24 bit BMP
    202 - 24 bit JPEG
4) Now try it again with the ODCdaemon running (using the -d switch to turn on the daemon):
    pdfilcnv source.doc -foutput.jpg -t202 -d
5) If there are any problems at all, you can use two additional switches:
    -r - forces the control dialog application to launch
    -l - forces a log file to be written in the system drive (normally C:\log\*.log).
Support for conversion to PDF:
Using the exact same architecture (but different driver), we can also provide you with a DOC->PDF type conversion product. (as an upgrade).
1) Application prints to a supported Postscript printer through the Printdoc EXE interface.
2) We capture the output programatically to a .ps file
3) Your app launches Adobe Distiller on completion of conversion to postscript.
Auto Kill Feature:
To automatically check for, and abort applications that have launched, but do not print (and therefore appear to hang), you need to do the following:
1) Select the 'Service/Configure' option
2) Select either 'Auto Close Dialogs', and 'Auto Kill Apps'
3) Select 'Add', then drag the 'magnifier icon' over the window or 'OK button' within the window to close.
4) Release the mouse button, and the daemon will automatically send a message to close (indicating that it has learned).
The next time there is a timeout, the daemon looks for the listed window classes, and either closes the window, or kills the application.
Note: This feature can be turned off at any time by de-selecting the toggle box. Also, the feature does not work unless applications are specifically listed in the display box.
COM Object usage: (see ODCcom.txt for more complete info).
Using the Odccom COM object in an ASP script:
dll name: odcCOM.dll
Object name: ODCSRV
Library string: ODCCOM 1.0 Type Library
Object Browser name: ODCCOMLib
To get and set default values:


- get/set default printer
- get/set default output directory
- get/set default output filename
- 0:Group 3 TIFF 6:Group 4 TIFF
- B&W or Color driver
- not used.
- if TRUE, write log files to \log directory
- recomment 600 seconds (10 minute maximum)
- "" or remote server name (see notes below)
- source directory of dll
- not used
- default is TRUE
- read only: return value from ConvertDocument
Defaults values for all these properties are stored in
Defaults can be set if calling from an Administrator account.
Setting the Server Name: Use name of computer that is going to do the conversion, and make sure source and destination filenames are UNC.
ie: input file name: \\serverName\share\imgmaker\sample.doc
    outputFile name: \\serverName\share\imgmaker\sample.tif
    server: serverName
For more details regarding setting this up, see additional notes in the
readme.txt file, under:
Testing With ODCdaemon across two or more machines (Windows 2000 / NT4 Only):
To Start the conversion process:
obj.StartServerProcess                         - starts ODCdaemon.exe
obj.ConvertDocument inputFileName, "" - input name, output name
NOTE: If Output Name is provided in the parameter call to ConvertDocument, then that value is parsed into 'OutputFileName' and 'OutputDirectory' environment values. BUG: This feature currently not working. Must set output filename by setting 'outputDirectory' and 'outputFileName' properties, and using "" as the second parameter in the call to ConvertDocument.
If calling StartServerProcess from a service, ODCdaemon will not start. ODCdaemon must be started manually, or as a separate service. See notes in readme.txt, under 'Running ODCdaemon as a service (silent conversion)'.
PDFilcnv.exe Command-line Parameters
Suggested command line parmaeters:
Command line parameters for each application (use the /? switch to get this) are listed below.
PDFILCNV Conversion Utility - Copyright (c) Spittin Image Software. Converts document files from other formats to .tif fax images.
Syntax: PDFILCNV <docname.ext> [options]
<docname.ext> Document filename [required]
/fs s is output filename.
/p<printer > specify the name of the printer to print to. If name has spaces, enclose in quotes.
/l Log debugging info to file: \LOG\PDFILCNV.LOG
/tn Output file type 0: TIFF Class F
/mn Page format
   n=0 specifies single page per output file
   n=1 multiple pages per file
/d[:server] Use Daemon to do conversion,
If server name specified use the Conversion Daemon on server.
   /d:\\.\pipe\pipename       - local machine/custom name
   /d:\\server\pipe\pipename    - server / custom name
   /d:server                         - server default name
/dR[:regkey] If 'r' specified look to local registry for available Conversion Daemon.
If r:regkey specified look to registry for available Conversion Daemon.
/on n [optional] specifies timeout in seconds. Will wait n seconds for the print job to complete.
/q Produce no output (quiet)
/r Force Control Dialog to display (for debugging)
/? This help screen
Output File Types:
PS_TIF_GAMA 0 // reverse G3
PS_TIF_NORMAL 1 // normal G3
PS_MR_REVERSE 4 // Group 3 2D Modified Read (reverse)
PS_MR_NORMAL 5 // Group 3 2D Modified Read (normal)
PS_MMR_REVERSE 6 // Group 4 (G4) Modified Mofified Read (reverse)
PS_MMR_NORMAL 7 // Group 4 (G4) Modified Modified Read (normal)
PS_PACKBITS 8 // Normal Tif Packbits
PS_CUSTOM_MH 9 // custom MH file format (Winfax)
PS_BMP 10 // BMP output
PS_TIF24_PACKBITS 200 // 24Bit colour TIF (packbits compression)
PS_BMP24 201 // 24Bit colour BMP
PS_JPEG24 202 // 24Bit colour JPEG
number of pages printed
     -1 problem parsing command line
     -2 timeout connecting to Daemon
     -3 Keyboard hit
     -4 Output File name likely invalid (or is an existing directory)
     -5 Daemon not running
     -6 Daemon not running
      0 Daemon timed out (global daemon setting)
     -11 Timeout on job start (global daemon setting)
     -12 Timeout on first page (global daemon setting)
     -13 Timeout on subsequent page (global daemon setting)
     -14 Maximum pages exceeded (global daemon setting)
     -15 PdFilCnv timed out (/o setting)
     -16 Timed out waiting for PrintQueue to empty
To Test NOT creating the TIFF file: (this passes in the value -1 (0xFFFFFFFF))
pdfilcnv guide.doc /t4294967295
(It doesn't seem to be any faster).
Debugging Hints
If you encounter problems, here is a quick checklist of things to look for:
1) Is the 'PrintTo' file association set?
To confirm, From the start button, select Settings / Printers to open up the list of available printers. Then use Windows Explorer to open a list of available files. Then, 'drag' a .html file from the Windows Explorer application over top of a printer icon. The owner application should launch, and the output should print.
2) Does the 'Print' association work.
From Windows Explorer, right click on the .html file, and select 'Print'. If 'Print' works (to the default printer), but 'PrintTo' doesn't, then go to the file association definition for 'Print', and create a new command for 'PrintTo'. Then copy the exact same command into the 'PrintTo' definition, and set the appropriate ImageMAKER driver to the default driver.
3) Is there an application associated with the file type?
From Windows Explorer, double-click on the file icon to get the associated owner application to launch. If no application lanches, proceed to Step 4. If the application launches, can you print from the app? If so, then there should be a way to set file associations to support 'Print' or 'PrintTo'.
4) If no file association, and you can't open, print, or PrintTo a file, then determine what the owner application is, open that file, and confirm that you can print. Then, look for information on setting file associations, or set up one yourself. Most applications support the following command line options:
"C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE" /p "%1"
"C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE" /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"
5) Have you added your application to the ODCdaemon KILL list.
If there is a problem during conversion, the ODCdaemon can be trained to close the application. To complete the training, from the ODCdaemon interface, select 'Service' / 'Configure', and in the AutoKill Apps section, select ADD. We've set up the common file types, but you most likely need to add your own applications. To do so, open the app (for instance, Microsoft PhotoDraw), then from the ADD dialog, select the magnifying glass, drag it over the parent window for your app, release the button, then select OK on the AutoKill 'Find Window' dialog.
To enable status logging:
To turn logging on, run PDFILCNV with the /l switch. Log files are written to the following files:
\log\printdoc.log - status from PRINTDOC.DLL
\log\dialog.log - status from the Control Dialog PDDLG.EXE
\log\pdfilcnv.log - status from PDFILCNV.EXE
\log\pddircnv.log - status from PDDIRCNV.EXE
\log\ODCdaemon.log - status from Windows Document Conversion Daemon
If printing fails:
Two possible failure modes can occur:
1) The printing application stops before printing and is looking for user intervention
(macro, etc)
- Not a problem, as the print operation is not affected. All that will happen is the printing application doesn't return, and PDFILCNV times out.
2) The printing application hangs, or does not complete.
- Two likely causes are the printing process is taking way longer than than the allocated timeout (you need to adjust the time-out), or the print process has stopped (likely caused by a Control Dialog problem). All following print jobs will be queued, and nothing will print. Remedy is to delete the jobs, stop, then re-start the print spooler.
The key to the conversion process is to process only one JOB at a time. If more than one job is queued, then pdfilcnv.exe will continue to time out, and nothing will be printed.
Uninstalling to create a CLEAN MACHINE:
Every so often we encounter a problem so bizarre that it can only be corrected by removing, and re-installing the driver. Here then is a complete list of what you have to do to get a clean machine:
From the printers panel, remove the printer (assuming one exists)
Run 'regedit', and remove the following key entries:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/ Monitors/Fax Monitor Port
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/ Monitors/FaxBatch Monitor Port
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/ Environments/windows NT x86/Drivers/Version-3/ ImageMaker Fax Print Driver
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print/ Environments/windows NT x86/Drivers/Version-3/ ImageMaker FaxBatch Driver
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/ Print/Printers/<printername>
        where <printername> is the name of each
        ImageMaker printer on the system in turn
Go to the ControlPanel / Services application, and stop the spooler
Delete the following files:
Move (DO NOT COPY) the following files to a temp directory:
Re-boot the machine
Delete the following files from the temp directory:
Try re-installing the driver(s).
Questions and Answers:
       I have a question about the timeout parameter. Is this the time it takes for the word processor to complete, or the word processor plus the printer driver's TIFF conversion.
The timeout value is the amount of seconds to wait before timing out after making the call to Shell Execute. We return after the APP prints, and the tiff file is generated.
The ODCdaemon has a second timer (which I think should be set to longer than your printdoc timeout value) where it can 'autoclose' the currently active window. Ie: if there is a WORD autoclose specified, and the timeout is 3 seconds, 3 seconds after starting the printdoc, the ODCdaemon will close Word.
Technically speaking, printdoc can time out, but the print process may still continue. This would happen for very complicated documents. If you were to start another print process, it may still go through while the previous one completes (entirely dependent on the printing application, and how well it handles multi-tasking). I'd suggest making the AutoClose about double the timeout value of your printdoc timeout.
What user permissions are needed to use the daemon? I logged on as myself on the test machine, and I get a return code of -5 from PrintDocEx().
The most likely scenario for the -5 is the 'daemon is not running'. Is this something that you've set up in the user startup group? By switching users, it may not be specified, and thus not started.
Pdfilcnv.exe works fine from the Adminitrator account, but if I sign on as User, it doesn't convert.
The problem is likely that the 'log' files can't be created. If log files can't be created, then the conversion process appears to slow down,(due to repeated failure attemps to open the log file) and the Control Dialog interface stops working (file based interface).

Make sure the following directories are set with read/write/modify for

To set this from Explorer, select folder properties, and then in the security tab, then select read/write/modify (or 'Full Control').

Then make sure the following files have been deleted (as they will likely be created with system only access from the previous test):
log\dialog.log - control dialog log file
log\img32mm.log - text output log file
   log\pdfilcnv.log - pdfilcnv log file
   log\printdoc.log - printdoc.dll log file
   log\ODCdaemon.log - ODCdaemon log file
windir\system32\pdfm0000.fmo - communication with Control Dialog
windir\system32\pdfm0001.fmo - communication back from Control Dialog
I have a question about using the img32mm.dll to create the mmshadow.txt file. With the process I'm currently developing there isn't a need to create a text file, so I've deleted the DLL. While this is fine for now, I see potential future use for this feature and am wondering if there is any way to programmatically enable/disable this feature instead of tampering with the DLL file.
There are two ways to disable the generation of the shadow text file:

1) set the faxbatch dll name to NULL in the registry: "\\HKLM\system\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\ImageMaker..\PrintDriverData\FaxBatch Library"

2) Delete the system32\img32mm.dll file.

The default for the Server driver is to use img32mm.dll if nothing is specified in the registry.

NOTE: if you delete the img32mm.dll after it has been loaded (and used) by the spooler, this may result in a spooler crash. The recommended way of enabling and disabling the text file is to change the registry setting.
Where can the change to the resolution be made? I checked the setup.ini file but didn't find any references to it. I did find the Group 4 change on the print screen itself.
The quick way is from the Windows Start Button / Settings, Printers, right click on the ImageMAKER printer, and choose 'document defaults' instead of 'properties'. You should then be able to set the default page size, default orientation, and default resolution. These values can be changed on a 'per job' basis when you manually print, by clicking 'properties' in the standard windows print dialog box.

We can also give you a customized install that sets the supported resolutions.

There is also a way to 'emulate' a printer from the Advanced Settings in the Properties window (but that may be over-kill). That way you can change the list of supported resolutions.
What is the smallest compressed file size:
The output file size is smallest if:
1) compress to 204x98 (low res tiff)
2) Group 4 compression

We can create smaller resolution sizes, reducing from 204x98 to 100x100, but that depends on your needs.

Compared to standard Group 3 High resolution, Group 4 reduces the size by 50%, and low resolution reduces by about 50%.

Group 4 is best for text, not graphics. For large areas of graphics (color stored as dithered black and white dots) the file size increases if you use group 4.
What output resolutions do you support?
Standard output resolution is 200x200 (which gets written as 204x196 - high res fax).
Other supported fax resolutions include 204x98 (low resolution).

Some applications (Word, Acrobat) have a problem printing to any resolution other than a square pixel - and the default is to report a square pixel.

We can dynamically set supported resolutions by doing an 'emulate printer' from the Properties / Advanced Settings tab.

Other applications can only print to resolutions of 300 dpi or above. In this case, we support 'exact printing'. Resolution can be set from the Printer Document Defaults.

We theoretically support resolutions up to 1,500 dpi, and page sizes up to 3Meters across.
How best to handle password protected files that don't print:
1) If you do the following, it fails:
DOS Box 1: pdfilcnv password.doc

The DDE conversation does not complete, and the shell exucute does not return. We don't start the timer until 'after' the shell execute returns.

This could possibly be fixed by 'shelling' out to a separate thread the Shell Execute process.

2) If you do the following, it fails:
DOS Box 1: pdfilcnv password.doc
DOS Box 2: pdfilcnv sample.doc << doesn't print

The first version of WORD is stuck, and any second attempt also sticks. Therefore, calling
'Shell Execute' from a separate thread won't work.

3) If you set up the ODCdaemon as follows, it works:
- run ODCdaemon
- run 'pdfilcnv password.doc -d'
- from the Configure menu, AutoClose Dialogs, add:
   Password Dialog (auto closes the whole dialog)
   Macro Debug runtime error 102. Select END
- confirm the timers are set as follows:
   Autoclose: 1 seconds
   AutoKill 60 seconds
- select OK, and the Password doc should close.

Then, try it again
   DOS Box 1: pdfilcnv password.doc -d
   DOS Box 2: pdfilcnv sample.doc -d

Timers are as follows:
   Autoclose - 1 second
   AutoKill - returns 'failure' to pdfilcnv after 60 seconds if printing hasn't completed.

If you have some jobs that could take a long time to print... you can do this as follows:
   pdfilcnv password.doc -d -o60
   turn AUTOKILL ON, and set to 600 (and select the EXE application to KILL)
   pdfilcnv 60 seconds - job returns 'failure' if pipe doesn't complete in 60 seconds.
   AutoKoll 600 seconds - ODCdaemon kills the EXE in 10 minutes if it's still active
To convert word documents must I have word installed?
Yes. Or some other program such as StarOffice that can be controlled by command line or DDE, and which understands Word document formats. For best correspondence between what the user produced and what the output document looks like, the installed program should be the same one as was used to produce the document.
To convert html documents must I have Internet Explorer installed?
Not necessarily, although it is difficult to install Windows without MSIE. You would need something that could understand HTML and can be controlled using DDE or command line. Examples are MSIE, and Netscape Navigator. Note that some Netscape versions don't properly support printing using the printTo technique; specifically, 4.75 prints the page without the embedded graphics, and 6.0 makes a hash of the printout. We are currently recommending Netscape 4.72.
What needs to be installed for the converter to run?
The converter installs a print driver, a "control dialog" (PDDLG.EXE), and a control program (PDFILCNV.EXE) along with associated DLLs. You also should have programs installed that can handle any file type you need to convert.
Which versions of windows do you support 2000 / NT / ME / 98 / 95 ?
Yes. Also XP (in beta) and the projected Windows .Net Server (2002 edition). The server conversion solution only runs on NT machines.
How to Make Internet Explorer Recognize Foreign Characters on Windows NT 4.0?
The LANGPACK directories of Windows NT Workstation and Server version 4.0 add additional language support for Internet Explorer (IE) version 3.0. Installing files and adding input locales in Control Panel under either Regional Settings or Keyboard enables IE to display foreign language characters. (The GUI for Input Locale is shared by Regional Settings and Keyboard.)

The LANGPACK also enables EMS Client version 4.0 to display foreign language characters included in the pack. OL2000: How to Enable Japanese/Chinese Support in Outlook 2000

To Install the Office International Support Files
- Close all programs.
- Place the Office 2000 CD in the drive. If the installer starts to load, click Cancel.
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- Click to select Microsoft Office 2000 <version> and then click Add/Remove.
- Click Add or Remove Features.
- Click the plus sign to expand the Office Tools tree, and then click to expand International Support.
- Click each item that you want to install, and then click Run from My Computer. To select all items, click International Support, and then click Run all from My Computer.
- The following files are required for Japanese, and Chinese Language support: Core Support, Extended Support, and Bi-Directional Support.
- The following Fonts are required for each of their respective Languages: Traditional Chinese Font, Simplified Chinese Font, and the Japanese Font. After you select each of these, the box beside them should turn white.
- After you select all the components, click Update Now. This installs the selected international components.

NOTE: The International Language Support is only available for Office 2000. The support files will not enable International Support in programs other than Office. Messages and documents containing International Characters sets may not be compatible with older versions
Appendix A: API calls to PrintDocEx
PrintDocEx () - Convert a file using the ImageMAKER print driver
Controls the formatting of DOC, XLS, PDF, CDR, TXT, PPS, etc file types to TIFF.
The routine looks up the file type in the registry, then 'spawns' the owner application with the 'PrintTo' DDE string.

We've tried in the past to use OLE rather than the PrintTo function, but there is too much variability between the different versions of WORD (and other owner applications) to do it properly without a lot of special code. Debugging an OLE application is also complicated.

Logging information is written to \log\printdoc.log on the default WINDOWS drive. The directory \log must first exist.

For source samples on the proper use and calling parameter examples, see source to PDVILCNV.EXE
File Types:
PS_TIF_GAMA 0 // reverse
PS_TIF_NORMAL 1 // normal
PS_MR_REVERSE 4 // Group 3 2D Modified Read (reverse)
PS_MR_NORMAL 5 // Group 3 2D Modified Read (normal)
PS_MMR_REVERSE 6 // Group 4 Modified Mofified Read (reverse)
PS_MMR_NORMAL 7 // Group 4 Modified Modified Read (normal)
PS_PACKBITS 8 // Normal Tif Packbits
PS_CUSTOM_MH 9 // custom MH file format (Winfax)
PS_BMP 10 // BMP output
PS_TIF24_PACKBITS 200 // 24Bit colour TIF (packbits compression)
PS_BMP24 201 // 24Bit colour BMP
PS_JPEG24 202 // 24Bit colour JPEG
The control dialog will always use the info passed to this function
Pipe Names:
Pipe names are opened by the Daemon and can be addressed as follows:
where 'servername' is the name of the server the daemon is running on.
If the daemon is running on the local server, set pipename to: \\.\pipe\PrintDocDaemonPipe

NULL      do not use daemon
""          do not use daemon
"\\.\pipe\PrintDocDaemonPipe" use default pipe name for daemon on current machine
"\\RemoteServer\pipe\WordConversion" use custom pipe name on remote server
"HKEY:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...\" use custom registry key to find daemon.
>0 number of pages printed
-1     Shell Execute failed
-2     timeout connecting to Daemon
-3     Keyboard hit
-4     Failed to communicate with Control Dialog
-5     Daemon not responding
-6     Registry Daemon not running
ret = (*ptrPrintDoc)(
   szPrinterName, argv[1], trans.file_name, trans.file_type, trans.mppf,
   0, trans.pipe_name, timeout,
   mfx_enabled, log_enabled);
int PrintDocEx(
LPSTR pszPrinterName, // name of printer or "" for default
LPSTR pszAnsiFileName, // input file name (ASCII)
LPSTR pszOutFileName, // output file name (ASCII), "" for default
int FileType, // PS_TIF_GAMA or similar type
int MultiplePages, // if TRUE, multiple pages per file
int Command, // RESERVED. Must be set to FALSE;
char *PipeName, // pipe name of daemon or "\\.\pipe\PrintDocDaemonPipe" for default
int timeout, // # of seconds to wait for printing to complete before timing out
int mfx_enabled, // TRUE: display conversion dialog
int log) // TRUE: write out to \log\printdoc.log (on default Windows drive)
Appendix B: Setting File Associations
.TXT files
These convert fine under Windows 2000 using Notepad. For NT 4.0 and Win9x operating systems, the fix is to switch to use WordPad. (similar to renaming a .TXT file to .WRI).

Modify 'Text Document' in the file association as follows (For WinNT 4.0/Win9x only):
"C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE" /p "%1"
"C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE" /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"

These replace the standard NotePad file associations. If the PrintTo entry does not exist, then you need to create it.

If you have any problems trying to find Wordpad, look for the 'Write Document' in the file association list. Then look at the 'PrintTo' entry, and you can copy it, then past it into the 'Text Document' setting.

To confirm, test a .TXT and a .WRI file. They should both convert similarily.
Corel 7.0 Print Settings:
The 'PrintTo' DDE settings are incorrect. Change them to be the same as 'Print'
DDE Message:
DDE Application Not Running:
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
The first time you print to this application, use the Control Daemon to 'select' the default printer from the printer dialog box.
You can also set this value dynamically by modifying the registry key:
          HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup\Printer

To force Internet Explorer to be the default print browser, from explorer / Options File Types, choose the extension type (htm, html, url), then use the 'change' button to pick the associated browser type. This seems to work better than any other method I've tried. Netscape can be quite difficult to replace.

File association for .htm is:
E:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msohtmed.exe" /p %1
For some reason, if Netscape is installed, the netscape EXE launches, instead of Internet Explorer. Temporary fix is to re-name the netscape directory... Still trying to track down the permanent fix, but it is likely something to do with the OLE registry.

Re: When you attempt to print Web pages that contain frames either by clicking Print on the File menu or by clicking the printer button on the toolbar, Internet Explorer prints each frame individually.
Possible Work arounds:
< >
<> tells how to hook the print dialog so we can poke specific buttons.
Microsoft Outlook, and Outlook Express:
To support the .msg file format, you need to do the following:
1) Create a PrintTo file association for .msg, and copy the 'print' association exactly.
    File Extension: .msg
    File Type: Outlook Item
    PrintTo: "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\OUTLOOK.EXE" /p "%1"
2) set the ImageMAKER printer as the default printer.

Stop, then re-start outlook (accepts the new default printer name).

Unfortunately, Outlook does not explicitly support 'PrintTo' on the command line, but we can fool the operating system into thinking that it does... by setting the 'PrintTo' command line.
Netscape/InternetExplorer and TIFF support from email
Get rid of the Macintosh QuickTime plug-in for TIFF.
Need to un-install from the Start/Settings/control Panel/AddRemove Programs/QuickTime Plug-in
PageMaker 6.5
Need to add a PrintTo file association (copy same as Print) for the .p65 file extension.
Set the ImageMAKER printer as the default printer.
.JPG and .GIF
We've had best success using the Kodak viewer file association, where the Kodak viewer is set to the owner association. Same method, use the 'change' button to pick the viewer from the Explorer / Options / File Types / .JPG setting.

For NT 4.0, the WANG viewer settings are as follows: (These from the PCX settings)
   Print: C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\ImageVue\WangImg.Exe /p "%1"    PrintTo: C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\ImageVue\WangImg.Exe /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"
We have found that the latest version of Adobe (Version 5.0) does not close the application after finishing printing. The fix is to 'open' a placehoder file in advance of printing. The application then switches to the file to be printed, prints it, and switches back to the placehoder file. To make sure this is always set up, specify in the startup group that the placeholder file be opened at login.
Word Perfect
Word Perfect 9.0 also does not close the file after printing. See same comments for Adobe. Fix is to open Word Perfect in advance of printing, and load a test file. When you go to print, the test file is closed, the file to print is opened, is printed, is closed, and the test file is opened back up again. To automate this, make sure that the test file is the first file that you convert. All other files will then be opened and closed properly.

Word Perfect 6.0 does not properly register a 'PrintTo' setting in the file associations. To get this to work, copy the 'Print' contents to a 'PrintTo' setting, then set the ImageMAKER print driver to be the default driver.
Quick View (Inso Corporation)
For those file types that you want to associate with Quick View, set up the 'PrintTo' file association as follows:
    "c:\program files\Quick View plus\program\qvp32.exe" -sprn "%1"
AND... make sure the ImageMAKER printer is the default print driver. (QuickView does not support switching to a non-default printer).
Setting File Associations:
For a complete description on file associations, see:
MSDN Home > MSDN Library > User Interface Design and Development > Shell Programmers Guide > Shell Basics > Shell Basics: Extending the Shell > Creating a File Association.

To check a file association, from a DOS prompt, type:
assoc .htm
   [returns .htm=htmlfile]
ftype htmlfile
   [returns htmlfile="E:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome]
To get a list of all associations, type: assoc
To delete an association assoc .htm=.
To create an association
   assoc .new=NewType
   ftype NewType=%systemroot%\System32\notepad.exe %1

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT contains file associations and OLE information.
Contains all the information necessary to launch applications:
- Holds information about the ActiveX controls installed. When an ActiveX control installs itself, it creates entries so that ActiveX container applications can find and use the control. These controls register themselves by name and they also have a unique numer called a class ID (CLSID).
- All the extensions and associations between applications and documents
- Names of all the drivers
- Strings used as pointers to the actual text they represent (for example, aufile actually represents AU Format Sound)
- Class ID numbers (numbers used intead of names for accessing items)
- DDE and OLE information
- Icons used for applications and documents

To trace a file association for .htm files:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.htm -> points to htmlfile
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htmlfile ->Key values are stored in SHELL / PrintTo

To access the standard interface that defines file extensions, from Windows Explorer, or from 'My Computer', select the Options, file associations tab.
Sample are as follows:
Application used to permorm action:
E:\WINNT\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE /p "%1"
Application used to permorm action:
E:\WINNT\system32\notepad.exe /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"

%1: filename to print
%2: printer name
%3: drivder name: "WINSPOOL" <- standard default
%4: port name: "NE01:" <- standard default
Microsoft Word:
Application used to permorm action:
"E:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE" /x /n
DDE Message:
[REM _DDE_Minimize][FileOpen("%1")][t=IsDocumentDirty()][FilePrint 0][SetDocumentDirty t][DocClose]
DDE Application not Running:
[FileOpen("%1")][FilePrint 0][FileExit 2]
Application used to permorm action:
"E:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE" /n
DDE Message:
[REM _DDE_Minimize][FileOpen("%1")][FilePrintSetup "%2 on p",.DoNotSetAsSysDefault=1][FilePrint 0][DocClose 2][FilePrintSetup ""]
DDE Application not Running:
[FileOpen("%1")][FilePrintSetup "%2 on p",.DoNotSetAsSysDefault=1][FilePrint 0][FileExit 2]
Popular File Formats, and the 'shell print' command:
Notepad file notepad.exe /p filename.TXT
Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet 123w.exe -q filename.WKS
Printing DCX Images \WINDOWS\kodakprv.exe /p filename.DCX
DrWatsons Log \WINDOWS\DRWATSON.EXE /P logfilename
AWD fax documents \WINDOWS\kodakprv.exe /p filename.AWD
Printing a font file \WINDOWS\fontview.exe /p fontfile
Winfax faxes \WINFAX\WFVW32.EXE -p filename
Internet URL shortcuts rundll32.exe \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSHTML.DLL,PrintHTML filename.URL
Microsoft Excel \OFFICE\excel.exe /e filename.XLS
Microsoft HTML document \OFFICE\msohtmed.exe" /p filename.HTM
Microsoft BINDER file \OFFICE\binder.exe -p filename.OBD
Microsoft Powerpoint file \Office\PowerPnt.exe" /p filename.PPT
Microsoft Publisher \OFFICE\MSPUB.EXE /p filename.PUB
Microsoft Word Docs \Office\winword.exe" /x filename.DOC
Nicrosoft Info \MSINFO\MSINFO32.EXE /p filename.NFO
MS Outlook files \Office\outlook.exe /p filename.MSG
Pagemaker files \PM6\PM6.EXE filename.PM6
Webshots Screensaver \WSST.EXE /p filename.wss
WIF images \WINDOWS\kodakprv.exe /p filename.WIF
Write documents (wordpad) WORDPAD.EXE /p filename.WRI
XIF documents \WINDOWS\kodakprv.exe /p filename.XIF
Appendix B:
Required Distribution files:

Windows Server 2016:

Windows 10:

Windows Server 2012:

Windows 8.1:

Windows 7:

Windows Server 2008:

Windows Vista:

Windows Server 2003:

Windows XP:

Windows 2000:

Windows NT 4.0:

Viewer Files:

Common files to all operating systems:

Installer Files:
   SETUP.INI dlg.txt - Setup installation

Test and Docs:
   convert.bat - simple command line for PdFilcnv.exe
   CpCom.exe - C++ sample application - C++ sample code to call .COM object - C# sample code to call .COM object
   VBCom.exe - VB sample application - VB Sample code
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