Document Conversion for Litigation Discovery
ImageMAKER Development Inc. is the leader in development tools for automatic conversion of electronically stored documents (i.e.: word processing documents, e-mails and electronic spread sheets) to TIFF Group IV format for pre-processing and can be integrated with over 60 different electronic document management and content management systems.

Litigation Automation is important in the management of large evidentiary collections. The most sought after Litigation Automation Solution is typically electronic document management.

Electronic Document Management for Litigation Automation can be broken down in a number of functions, each of which can be very time consuming and costly if done in any other way:
  1. The collection of documents from Electronic Document Repositories (electronically stored documents like word processing documents, e-mails and electronic spread sheets) or retrieve documents via a scanning devise.
  2. Create a unique identity for each collected document for reference and archiving or retrieval purpose.
  3. Document Storage.
  4. Document Retrieval.
Document Management
  1. Collect Documents
    1. ImageMAKER Server Based Document Conversion Engine. (link to download) (link to specs) The ImageMAKER Server Based Document Conversion Engine converts batches of electronic documents to TIFF Group IV file format and stores them automatically in a designated file folder with support for logging and advanced process monitoring - 'auto-close' dialogs, 'auto-kill' applications, and other support features to help un-stick problem conversions. Upgrade path to server clustering, with one master server controlling multiple conversion engines through a round-robin process with improved reliability through redundancy and improved throughput with the addition of more processors. TIFF Class F (faxable TIFF at 204x196 dpi) is also supported.
    2. Electronic Mail (PST, MSG and ZIP files) pre-processing upgrade for ImageMAKER Server Based Document Conversion Engine. (link to download) (link to specs) Automated conversions of Microsoft email messages in batch mode to TIFF Group IV file format or TIFF Class F (faxable TIFF at 204x196 dpi) file format. Supports RTF (Rich Text Formatted), HTML and MIME (internet format), and TXT formatted messages. Automatically extract messages from PST files (Microsoft Message Archival / Personal Folder File) and MSG files (Microsoft Outlook message file). Extracts and converts all recognized attachments, including documents from ZIP files. Requires that you first download and install the ImageMAKER Server Based Document Conversion Engine.
    3. Text searchable database. (link to download) (link to specs) As the electronic documents are rendered to TIFF, we generate a text searchable string from the original documents that allows you to create a database and enable a key word search for referenced documents.
    4. Scanning of documents. (link to download) (link to specs) Retrieve images from a TWAIN compliant scanner, and save the output as TIFF Class F (faxable TIFF at 204x196 dpi) or TIFF Group IV format. Scanned images can be appended to existing TIFF files. An optional preview feature is available.
  2. Create Unique Identity for each Document
    • Bates stamping (link to white paper) Automate the sequential stamping of scanned or electronically converted TIFF documents. Can place a sequential number or date/time stamp onto every TIFF page, either on the existing margin, or added onto an extended sized page. Supports different fonts and font attributes. Customizable interface. Batch or single user mode.
  3. Document Storage
    • ImageMAKER products can be integrated with over 60 different electronic document management and content management systems. (links?)
  4. Document Retrieval
    • ImageMAKER products can be integrated with programs that features sophisticated text search and retrieval functions such as Concordance, Summation, and others.